Laura Higgins

Denver, Colorado

Voracious omnivorous reader; compulsive fine-tuner of projects and plans. I work hard to make great things happen that I can be proud of, and that make people's lives better. I secretly poke fun at puffed-up egomaniacs, of which there are many.

Fun for me is swimming, gallumphing around the countryside with my giant Wolfhound, reading a good book (but not on paper -- Kindle or Nook, please), planting green things and watching them grow, and above all spending time with my idiosyncratic and bell-curve-edgy family.

Just like in my garden, at work my brain's focus is on coaxing growth (from acorn to mighty oak, you might say). Growing doesn't happen overnight, despite what bubble-people think. You can't grow plants without water, dirt, air and sun; you can't grow a business without certain key ingredients, either.

I like honestly and reality, salt, good Scotch, close friends, making a beautiful home environment and thinking up ways to connect people who really should know each other. And I'm mad about shooting and editing video, for all sorts of projects and purposes.

I'm south of Denver where there are deer, raccoons, eagles, and coyotes, and I love it.

  • Work
    • Pixorial Inc.
  • Education
    • Academy of Art University, San Francisco
    • Colorado State University