

homecoin.com enables property sellers to save thousands by listing on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for a low, flat fee instead of paying a 6% commission. All from the comfort of your home.

How It Works - Sellers:
Simply enter your zip code here to see the local agents that will list your home on the MLS, along with their price for entering the listing on the MLS, along with any other services they provide (optional to purchase). If you find an agent you want to use, simply sign up tohomecoin.com.

Once you sign up, we will ask you to:

  1. Add your property address,
  2. Verify the property location,
  3. Select the MLS you want to use, and
  4. Select the agent you want to use.

We then present you with the actual forms that you need to complete to list on the MLS - don't worry they are entirely web based so there is NO printing, faxing, emailing, etc. You enter the information into the forms, upload any photos, e-sign the listing agreement, and pay.

Once the payment is submitted, we send the order to the agent that you selected and that agent will place the property on the MLS and send you a copy of the listing. It's a piece of cake!

You are well on your way to saving thousands in commission costs.

How It Works - Agents:
Simply sign up to homecoin.com here to create a FREE account. Once you sign in, click the button to offer a new Service. We will ask you to complete a few easy steps:

  1. Provide your name and license info.
  2. Tell us services you provide (i.e. full-service, flat fee MLS listing, hourly consulting, etc) and the cost of each service.
  3. The MLS(s) that you subscribe to and an email address where we can send payments (we use Stripe).
  4. (optional) Create a public profile.

And that's it! We will find the sellers for you and we handle getting all the correct MLS forms and listing agreements. Once the seller submits their order and we email it to you for action. It's super easy! Oftentimes the sellers then come back and request additional support, such as hourly consulting, asking you to host an open house, helping them find

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    • CA DRE Broker #01888948