Mary-Anne MacPherson

I thoroughly enjoy working with clients individually to help them through an online nutritional assessment to help them see how they need to eat, drink and change their lifestyle in order to obtain their best health's a lifestyle towards high energy and ultimate health.

Another rewarding part of my career is to provide seminars and workshops to groups that speak to their body, mind and spirit; to help attendees connect the dots between the nutritional choices, their emotional journey, the mind-body connection and their spiritual natures. It is all-connected. How interesting to see people really connect the dots with their current life choices and then be able to teach them how to change it.

As a CTI Life Coach, its valuable to ask the questions that stir the heart towards client's greatest desires: in the areas of health, of wealth, of relationships, of attaining the goal they've wanted for so long. It's there now the right time? If not now, then when?

( I am inviting everyone to JOIN on my " Limiting Beliefs Workshop"

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