Francesco Chicchiriccò
Software Engineer and Musician in Miglianico, Italy
My name is Francesco Chicchiriccò, and my surname has been a tricky challenge since I was born in 1977, every time I had to get in touch with any public office; the advent of Internet made things even more cumbersome, despite of Unicode effort :-)
I am currently ASF member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon,Apache Olingo, Apache CXF, Apache OpenJPA PMC member and Apache Pony Mail PPMC member.
Linux - then Debian, what else? - addict since 1997, I have discovered Kde neon in the last years.
I am Italian (and proud to be), married with my lovely wife Cinzia, father of a sweet girl Sara and of two wonderful boys Davide and Mattia. Since I was a child I've always loved comics and music, playing bass guitar in a few metal rock bands with some friends.
I am Italian (and proud to be), married with my lovely wife Cinzia, father of a sweet girl Sara and of two wonderful boys Davide and Mattia. Since I was a child I've always loved comics and music, playing bass guitar in a few metal rock bands with some friends.
About Computer Science, I got a master degree in 2001 in L'Aquila, after six months spent at Nokia Research Center in Heksinki (about this, you can take a look at a photo I took at that time with a friend of mine :-P). Since then I've been working as developer, analyst and architect for some companies until I've established in 2004 my first IT company, ePOSSE. After seven years, I decided to start again from scratch with a brand new Open Source based company, Tirasa, aiming to speed up the development and the adoption of Syncope.
In 2006 I had the chance to meet Gianugo Rabellino, at a common customer's place, that introduced to me the world of Apache Software Foundation in general and Cocoon in particular.
Besides ASF, I am project owner of ConnId.