s t e p h e n j o n e s

I don't know about you but I'm not that into uneccesary hard work. Doesn't vibe with me too much. I've got soft hands. Manly, but a tad delicate. Sorry, I digress. "Work smarter, not harder," my grandfather always said. He also said, "never chew the same piece of gum only once." I learned to weed through the crazy. Anyway, when my friends at The Adventure Project told me how new irrigation techniques used by KickStart are decreasing the back-breaking workload all while increasing the yield for Kenyan farmers -- it was an easy thing to get behind.

As The Gates Foundation looks to put weight behind their recent statement, "small farmers are the answer" to cutting hunder and poverty, I can think of no better group of people to support than The Adventure Project. Join me in spreading the word and getting the attention of Bill and Melinda. Be one of the 1,000 tribe members who create their own about.me page dedicated to helping Kenyan Farmers. Let Gates know by using the #oneto1000 hashtag on Twitter. To get started simply follow this link.

Let's work together to give generations of Kenyan women the soft hands they deserve.