Michael McMinn

North Texas

Michael McMinn

North Texas

est. 1974 : Irish Blood : Texas Proud : Punk Rock Spirit : Chicken Tendered : Water Baptized : Gravy Trained : Spastic Colon (grammatically speaking)

18 years in non-profit as a leader in strategic mobilization of Millennials for community service and community action. Challenging them to adopt a lifestyle of volunteerism and create a movement for the common good rather than service as an occasional act. Mentoring, neighborhood revitalization, artistic endeavor, personal development, multi-cultural and inter-generational collaboration in order to create momentum for change.

Spent the last 3 years in sales. I have always been a creative problem solver, outside the box thinker, early adapter and thought innovator. I have become a Social Media Enthusiast and the loves of my life are named Becky, ElijahtheBoyWarrior and SammeytheSchnauzer.

  • Work
    • Dragnfly.com
  • Education
    • Masters