Jane Baki

Highly diverse and enterprising individual possessing advanced communication and leadership skills with an exceptional history in customer service. Recently relocated to the Denver area and excited to start a new career as an adult educator/facilitator.

Life-time learning is very important to me. Currently I hold 2 professional licenses. Attaining my goals-no matter how long it may take-is a challenge I embrace. In order to do so, I've learned to be patient yet persistent, and respect those whose lives are impacted.

On the personal front, I have enjoyed rafting through the Grand Canyon, several expeditions in Alaska, and sky-diving in Florid. Also, I've enjoyed many athletic events: triathlons and swimming with the U. S. Masters in state, national, and world competitions. My personal best was completing the 5K open water swim during the World Meet in Montreal, Canada. I hope to one day climb Mt. Rainier. I love the outdoors!

Biggest disappointment-not being selected to be on Survivor :-(

Philosophy: Life is like a marathon; sometimes you will experience a runner's high and at times you may hit the wall, but you always have a choice to pick up and strive forward or give up. I choose to live each day to the fullest! Carpe Diem!