Jason Pierre

Photographer, Designer, and Small Business Owner in Brooklyn, New York

Jason Pierre

Photographer, Designer, and Small Business Owner in Brooklyn, New York

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Jason Pierre. I'm an odd ball who loves the art of branding and innovation.

Sustainability is the real revolution, greed is our true enemy, and every idea or business venture I partake in is yet another way to seek and connect with my tribe of free thinkers/ nomads out there who feel the same.

Consider me the self-taught designer and aspiring serial entrepreneur who is less interested in the "what do you do," and more interested in the "what do you like to do."

Our generation is at a pivotal crossroads, presented with a "red pill - blue pill" dilemma that could very well reshape the entire world, or destroy it.

As a nomadic citizen of the world who thinks too much and cringes about the latest fads, I use photography as my therapy and occasionally do epic shit. I aim to finally solve the last few pieces my life's puzzle and create opportunities of abundance for others.

Character, above all.

  • Work
    • JG Limited
  • Education
    • Bowling Green State University