Jeff Kilman

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Jeff loves big ideas and loves making them loud. Loud in the sense that everyone has a big idea but few make them known and seen. Jeff lives everyday to find THE idea and Socialize it to the right audience (while adding a flair of fun to it).

Jeff has been a leader in Corporate America, both owning his own multi-million dollar company partnering with conglomerates like GE Healthcare and in consulting & speaking to start ups, media moguls and sales super star organizations on how to blend sales art with social science. Jeff’s sales management roots come from years of executive leadership within some of the finest sales organizations such as Procter & Gamble, Pepsi North America and running sales for The Daily Tar Heel when in college (still the hardest job he ever had). Not to mention, poor Jeff was raised by a family of gypsies who forced him to sell used Lamas if he wanted his nightly portion of goat milk and pigs feet. (Ok, actually he was born and grew up with a an amazing combination of one of the finest Sales Executives in the world in his Father and one of the most sophisticated designers in his mother.)

Jeff now preaches astronomic growth strategies through his passion for Socializing and Mobilizing THE idea. Every brand has THE Idea. The audience is mobile today more than ever. That has given them more ways to just do what is human; being social.

His real passion is pulling out a blank IPad and a marker (weird huh?), sitting with business owners or CEO’s and brainstorming ways to launch and monetize the wildest, boldest, craziest dreams possible. Of course he does all of this with a flare for the eccentric since "life is too short for boring. Live LOUD."

  • Work
    • Managing Director, Three Ships
  • Education
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill