Jennifer Boulden

Little Rock, Arkansas

Social Media Specialist at Aristotle, Inc. (@aristotlebuzz), directing social media marketing strategy and engagement coaching for clients across the U.S. Views are my own. I live with my wonderhusband @arkansawyer, who is barely on Twitter, and our wonderdog Christopher Philip Marlowe, who tweets even less.

I've been a professional writer, editor, public relations coordinator, a technical specialist, a tourism marketer, an event planner, a graphic designer, a nonprofit advocate, a volunteer director, a healthcare communicator, and many things in between. Throughout all these jobs I've been a connector of people and ideas and information, and at at my best, a conduit of passion for the things I was charged with communicating.

That's one of the reasons I love working in social now. It's about connecting people to other people who care about similar things, connecting people to the places they live or travel, connecting people to ways they can use their creativity for good, connecting the merely curious to their future passions and the friends who will experience these adventures with them. I love that.

I believe in the power of social media to help us discover the best in this world and bring people together to correct the worst. I believe in social's ability to foster lasting, positive relationships that would not otherwise have happened. I'm a big fan of social authenticity. I love brainstorming fresh ways to drive concrete, measurable results for our clients across multiple channels. I get excited about all the possibilities the future holds for our industry and about the creative collaboration happening today. It's energizing!

My clients include Elvis Presley Enterprises, Atlantic City New Jersey, Long Island New York, Kentucky State Tourism, Arkansas Parks & Tourism, Scenic Washington State, Bill & Hillary Clinton National Airport, and many others including destinations, healthcare organizations, public figures, and small businesses. Awesome, every one.