Jeremy Kipnis

New York City

My goal is to transport YOU into your favorite streaming program, music album, videogame, and movie ... "Like You Are THERE!" --- To do this, I work with you and your interior designer to bring together the perfect combination of visible or invisible technologies to suit your exacting requirements and budget.

From the very beginning, I grew up surrounded by artists. My great-uncle was a pianist, composer, and associate conductor of the Chicago Symphony (Heniot Levy), my grandfather was the world renowned opera basso (Alexander Kipnis), and my father the internationally recognized & awarded harpsichordist, pianist, and raconteur (Igor Kipnis). I began attending album recording sessions at the age of four; working alongside legendary producers and engineers from labels such as BMG/RCA, Capital/EMI, Decca/London, Warner/Nonesuch, and CBS/Columbia (SONY) Records.

I am a self taught Tonmeister, having studied how to play all the musical instruments in the modern orchestra including voice and conducting. I have been producer and recording engineer for many major labels for music that includes solo instruments, chamber music, jazz, soundtracks, and full symphony orchestras; many for my own record label, Epiphany Recordings, Ltd. I created a unique methodology to capture sound with a First Person Perspective - FPP utilizing only a single stereo microphone array and a direct to 2-channel 384 kHz/64-bit glass optical mastering system (ODM - Optical Disk Master), beginning way back in 1994.

My most recent accomplishment has been to design, create, and engineer a multi-award winning Ultimate Home Theater, called TRINITY CINEMA for my latest company, the Kipnis Studio Standard (KSS™); now with feature magazine articles in over 220 countries. My unique scratch-built KSS™ media rooms and home cinemas are world famous; filled with the very finest A/V technologies on the planet, and capable of producing an illusion of reality from everyday sources like streaming audio & video that is capable of completely fooling the human senses - an effect I call "The MIRAGE Effect™.

Together with leading interior designers, artists, technicians, and yourself, I can produce an experience with your favorite programs like no other!!!
  • Work
    • Home Theater Designer
  • Education
    • Bard College