Jerome Hill

Jerome Hill

Trying to be #1 in a world that accepts you because everyone else is already taken.Giving thanks for the blessings I see everyday...Shannon, Bryce, & Nya. Thank you Lord!I'm just a normal guy who loves my family, working out, sports, technology, reading literature, coffee, Mexican food, & ink.I'm a twin who has twins (a boy & girl) and I married a twin (Shannon) who I met at UCLA and my twin brother (Tyrone) has twin girls. . . .WOW now that's multiples!!!Live & Love....don't let no one take your happiness.I am currently a certified Leading Edge blended learning online instructor at Riverside Virtual School. My enthusiasm is contagious with students. I am passionate about great technology, social media, and the latest gadgets out there. I love to engage with people, and empower them to explore all the ways technology can make a difference in their lives. I'm a seasoned educator of 20 years. My primary object is to expand/explore my knowledge of eLearning techniques that will enrich my student's academic journey within their self-paced courses. As a Blended Learning educator, I believe along with GREAT technology, blended learning will allow for a dynamic engaging design vs. the traditional brick-and mortar classroom. It is up to all educators, including myself to make connections with all students who enter your/my classroom. You're only as good as you believe you are.....for me "teaching" is the "it".#purposefullearning #makingconnections #eagle #clippers #ucla #dodgers #onlineteacher #twinwittwins #teacherswithtattoos

  • Work
    • Riverside Unified School District
  • Education
    • Yucaipa High School
    • UCLA
    • National University