Jesse Merritt

electrical engineer in Knoxville, Tennessee

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I'm a well rounded technology professional with a large breadth of experience. I have been working in digital design systems for many years but am also comfortable in an analog world. My experience at Elo Touch allowed me to work with many technologies including Infrared, Surface Acoustic Wave, and Acoustic Pulse Recognition. At IdleAire, my team developed a custom single board computer that is still in use today. I also got to develop a patented engine idle notification system that would allow the IdleAire system to know when the truck engine is operating using custom accelerometers.

I have extensive computer experience including designing custom single board computers and hardware. I am extremely proficient in C and Python and have used both in many projects. I also have many years of experience with various Linux distributions including Mint, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Debian, Fedora, and SUSE.

Notable Python projects:

A custom flash loader for installing firmware on touchscreen controllers

Development tools that allowed visualization of real time high speed SPI data

IAI robot control programs for touch screen test and analysis

A large number of data parsers for data manipulation

TCP/IP networked communications

Notable C projects:

LibUSB based USB driver for touchscreen controller in Linux

Embedded serial terminal for touchscreen diagnostics and communications

Embedded SPI driver library for controlling a custom IC using interrupt driven DMA

Developed firmware for different microcontrollers including ARM ST Cortex and TI MSP430

Used Keil, IAR, CUBEIDE, and gcc compilers

I am passionate about technology and I enjoy designing and building robots in my spare time. I have designed and built both a 3d printer and a CNC router which I use in my personal projects. I use Sketchup, QCAD, Cura, Inkscape, Fusion360 and Slic3r for mechanical design.

I also mentored a middle school robotics club where I taught children basic robotics construction and programming.