Jessica Butler

Great Falls, MT

I began working from home as a freelance writer and website designer to gain flexibility in my work life and to give me more time with my family.

I founded Recession Proof Resumes as a hub of resume advice for apprehensive graduates. I soon noticed more people are overwhelmed by the fear of writing a resume than just newbies. The established professionals and hesitant career changers are even more intimidated. This urged me to begin RP Resumes Blog.

RP Resumes allows me to provide you with ongoing updates while dazzling you with my amazing personality ;-)

(I may have over-exaggerated my gregariousness a bit)

Actually, RP Resumes blog does allow me to provide you with ongoing updates as well as create a more supportive atmosphere for those struggling to get back on their feet after a job loss.

My goal is to provide you with a valuable resource.

  • Work
    • Recession Proof Resumes
  • Education
    • Jamestown College