Jessica Larkin

freelance brand ambassador and promotional model in Cheshire, Connecticut

Jessica Larkin

freelance brand ambassador and promotional model in Cheshire, Connecticut

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UConn Class of 2015. Psychology.

Graduation happened May 2015, and I wanted to be careful with my next steps.

Instead of taking the traditional 9 to 5, I chose to take some time to explore what I am passionate about. I knew this would include marketing, entrepreneurship, event production, and, simply, working with people.

I became involved in the promo world in June 2015. As a Brand Ambassador representing 25+ brands in various experiential marketing events, I have been able to hone my marketing skills (sales, lead generation, data capture, team leading, event execution, recap reports, staff recruiting, etc) while still exploring options for a long-term career.

Meanwhile, I have continued to educate myself in achieving personal and career success, namely by researching successful people. Among many podcasts and books I continue to absorb, Tim Ferriss' "4 Hour Work Week" and writings of real estate mogul Robert Kiyosaki have been most transformative.

I have become fascinated with real estate. It is the intersection of all of my passions. It involves psychology and marketing, with a creative and entrepreneurial edge. I attend monthly real estate meet ups throughout the state to stay inspired and connected, and to supplement my own research in the field.

My goals involve growing in the real estate field, preferably related to the marketing side of it. Eventually, I would love to own rental properties, to be a freelance real estate photographer, and to become involved with lifestyle coaching.