Jocelyn Humphries

Daycare Teacher

Raised in the small town of St. George, Ontario

Childhood fear: golf clubs

Arch – nemesis : Ronald McDonald

Favorite Word : Bazinga !

Blogs I follow :

I’ve been vegetarian since I was sixteen and vegan since February of last year. I am passionate about our food and our food system. I choose to live compassionately. After much researching and learning, I realized that being vegan is the best decision I can make for my body and for the planet. I enjoy trying new vegan dishes, and sharing the things I learn with the people I meet. What better way then to start a blog !

My passion for food began with my love of animals. I do not believe eating animals is right, or that there is a “humane” way. I am vegan because I think it is weird to eat wings, legs, breasts and other parts dismembered from animals.