John Marrone

My name is John Marrone and I am 27 years old. I currently reside in Brick, New Jersey but will relocate for a strong career.

Some accomplishments in my career:

-#1 salesman out of 800 employees

-Created marketing plans for hundreds of businesses

-Brought in 100% more revenue in 9 months with my ideas and implementing in house marketing

-Trained over 50+ employees to duplicate my skills and created successful marketers/salesman

-Brought in over a million dollars in sales over the past year or so

My father always taught me no matter how much you know, you will never succeed without hard work. I make it my goal everyday to be the best I can be at everything I do. Growing up sports was my life. I was an all around athlete who thrived on some good-hearted competition. I excelled in football, baseball and wrestling. After high school I decided to go right into the work field instead of pursing college.

I have always taken care of myself along with my family; this is why success in my career is very important to me. I have done everything from roofing, parking cars, serving food, running sales teams, to running a very successful marketing firm.

I have taking business that were almost under and brought them back to the top with sales and marketing. I was the number salesman in a business with hundreds of employees. I now run a marketing firm where we bring in and easy million dollars a year, where I over see everything as well as have a creative hand in everything.

I am looking to take the next step in my life and settle down with my family in a place I will call my home forever. I am hoping a career with your company can help me not only accomplish my goals but yours as well.