John Michael Arnaud

Johnson City, Tennessee, United States

It's no gamble. We've each experienced our share of seminal moments, those personal wormholes that take us from the threshold of one dimension of our reality to another. And, ready or not, there will be more. (It's sort of what we signed on for.)

I've been fortunate to walk in the illumination of some incredible teachers, who have opened my mind to new perceptions, unthinkable suggestions, and world-rocking innuendoes. I've been shaken down and shaken up, stirred and tossed, and left to wonder at the perfection strewn about in the aftermath.

I left the smoothly paved road in 2008 to get my hands deep in the dirt of this process. And now, I've literally come down off the mountain to share what I've learned--and this ever-bloomin' Heart--with those who resonate with The Work.

I'm soft, but not squishy. Spiritual, but not saccharine. Smart, but not stodgy. Starry-eyed, but not stupefied.

Whether it's to share words or the sanctuary of silence, I offer myself up in service of our collective reclamation, as I continue to tend to my own personal plot in the garden.

  • Work
    • The Word Chipper
  • Education
    • Northwestern State University of Louisiana