Rapid Protect

7 Diamond ct

Family Safety

In a rapidly changing security environment with all kinds of natural and man made threats around us, the well being of family members is a major concern for all of us. Adults worry about their children's' or elderly parents' whereabouts and well being at all times. Accidents, terrible attacks, kidnapping, sexual attacks and terrorist events occur every day in some part of the world. The ability to use all available resources and channels to provide quick help to family members when needed is very important. This growing urgency of personal and family safety is what Rapid Protect is trying to address with a set of integrated technologies that include mobile applications, voice technologies, collaboration tools and other data enabled services.

Family Location Tracking

Rapid Protect uses GPS Location services and tracks the exact location of your family members. The support for non-GPS location is also available on selective basis. It alerts you when they are in trouble, using the app's innovative check-in feature. There are many incidents that have occurred recently, in which someone abducted or attempted to abduct a child. This app will allow you to locate and protect your loved ones in time and prevent these unfortunate incidents from taking place. You can check their last location and act immediately, even if their phone is switched off or has run out of the battery. In case of any natural catastrophe like earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes etc, you can find the exact location of your loved ones and help them immediately if they need.

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