Jonathan Dunnemann

Caldwell, New Jersey

An integrated person learns how to mix emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and other aspects of self in order to establish a sense of harmony with the world and with one's self - then both the world and the individual's journey become clothed in meaning.

The external world conditions that surround us will only begin to change when the nature of the causes that whirl within us begin to change. My attention continues to be focused on settling into a state of calm presence, emotional equilibrium, clear intelligence, solidarity and increasing wisdom. The intention of my heart is to live in a harmonious and altruistic way, actively motivated by the love of God, the experience of union with God, and the love of thy neighbor.

Placing yourself 'in good company' is accomplished by becoming intentional in your efforts to be in the presence of and to work closely with other individuals who are deeply committed to living their values and beliefs by serving and advocating for causes that better support the needs of those among us who are less fortunate.

"Theoretically, an ideal adult life is marked by integrated and mutually reinforcing contributions to self (e.g., maintaining one's health and one's ability therefore to remain an active agent in one's own development) and to family, community, and the institutions of civil society (Lerner, 2004). An adult engaging in such integrated contributions is a person manifesting adaptive development regulation (Brandstadter, 1998, 1999, 2006)."

- Richard M. Lerner, PhD., professor of psychology at Tufts University, occupying the Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science. Also at Tufts, he directs the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development.

  • Work
    • Blogger
  • Education
    • Holy Cross College
    • Gonzaga University
    • University of Phoenix