Jonathon Bell

Jonathon Bell

Looking to the future and staying optimistic is how I survive. I have done many things in my life, and working in the Entertainment Business is where I see my future heading. I am a full time student at Full Sail University, and have a background in electronic media. This is my passion. I have followed a long and hard road to get to where I am today, I don't plan on stopping for any reason.

I want a bright and entertainment filled future for my children, I want them to have an engaging life that is filled with experiences and opportunities that I never experienced at their age. This road that I travel is for them, more than myself.

Marketing is where my dreams are taking me, because I have the desire to help others connect with products, services, and experiences to meet their needs and fulfill their dreams. I am a people watcher, I love to learn as much as I can about anyone and everyone. I want to know what makes people tick, why they do what it is that they do, and how they can be influenced to do what others desire them to sample and experience. I want to help create a brand, a new image, a new future for the brands and artists that I represent.