Jose Callejas

I'm 34, father of 2 first and foremost. Marine, patriot. In love. Dreamer and hopeful. I'm a recent convert from old school journaling. One reason being, it got a little expensive buying beautiful journals just to abandon them for someone else to find. I started thinking that was a bit archeic and that I could accumulate a much bigger audience using this medium. In my past life I was a United States Marine. (Ok so it was this life but you know what I mean) I proudly served my country with one of the best infantry units The Marine Corps could have asked for. We were all citizen soldiers. Leaving jobs, families, and lives behind. Those of us who lived through the war will forever remember. I strongly believe that the lens with which we see life has been altered forever. I think it's certainly different and worth a look through from time to time. I wish I could have seen things through that lens with out living through a war first.