Jessica Torres


Well, to start off - I am the funniest SAHM in MD. Shhh…it’s not polite to disagree with people you can not see dearie. Also its weird.

As a highly sarcastic Christian Momma of two creatures, I sometimes call kids; I think very highly of myself. So what else is my recourse than start a blog writing about my struggles as a new mom. A writer needs an outlet ya know; especially when these cunning little people are out to get me! Little do they know, they will not succeed in the end - I have pictures!

After the birth of my second child, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD) and postpartum anxiety (PPA). Obviously, the only choice I had was to become a ninja in the battle against those evil diseases, plus the huge stigmas that ride along with them. Once they were defeated though, I was given the suckiest trophy known to man: the crazy.

One doctor says Bipolar II; another says Major Depression and severe anxiety disorder with OCD and Adult onset ADHD or something like that. Yet even another doctor says Schizoaffective disorder - you can thank the constant doctor changes to our wonderful healthcare “suck”stem.

I don’t know what I have….I don’t care what I have. All I know is most days? The ONLY way I get through the day is by the good grace of my Lord Jesus.

I’m not a labeler. All I know is the crazy? its crazy - I am most certainly not crazy and I plan on staying that way.

Currently I am writing the great American novel to break down the stigmas that surround mental illness; in the church and in every day life. Okay, maybe not THE greatest american novel - cause first and foremost its not a novel. But still; its gonna blow your minds.

Remember; I’m not perfect - just forgiven.

  • Work
    • Professor of Crap at the Torres University of MD
  • Education
    • The College of it doesn't really matter because you're always ignored