Julia Powell

Julia Powell attended Yale University, where she studied history and earned her Bachelor of Arts in 2001, graduating Summa Cum Laude. In recognition of her academic excellence, she gained admittance to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. During her time as an undergraduate, Julia Powell served as a Trip Leader for FOOT, an outdoor freshman orientation program. Julia Powell also played on a variety of intramural sports teams, including basketball, football, and soccer. A member and elected representative of St. Anthony Hall, Yale's Literary Society, she was selected for an independent writing tutorial with National Book Award winner Robert Stone. After graduating from Yale, Julia Powell entered the AmeriCorps Volunteer Program, where she worked for a year at the “I Have a Dream” Foundation in Portland, Oregon, tutoring, mentoring, and teaching sixth graders from families with low incomes. She then coached girls’ varsity and junior Varsity Soccer at Buckingham, Browne, and Nichols School in Cambridge, Massachusetts while working as a correspondent at The Cambridge Chronicle. As a correspondent, Julia Powell primarily covered political events, wrote arts features, and compiled personal profiles. During that year, she was also selected as the only unpublished author to participate in the Nieman Fellowship Writing Workshop at Harvard University, where she wrote, read, and critiqued stories with Nieman Fellows. In fall 2004, Julia Powell enrolled at Stanford Law School, where she served as the Senior Development Editor of the Stanford Law Review. She continued her lifelong interest in athletics, again playing intramural soccer, basketball, and football. In addition to these extracurricular activities, Julia Powell served as a writer and actor in the 2006 and 2007 productions of the Stanford Law School Musical. During the summer of 2005, Julia Powell interned at the Department of Justice, where she worked in the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division. During the summer of 2006, she accepted a position as a summer associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP in New York City. After receiving her JD in 2007, she became a full-time Associate with the firm. In this capacity, she worked on a number of general commercial litigation cases as well as pro bono cases surrounding election protection, domestic violence, disability, and the death penalty. Since January 2010, Julia Powell has been devoting her time to the writing of her first novel. She currently resides in