Julie Manning



A little about myself...
I'm a very crafty-minded designer. My background is in Graphic Design and Fine Arts and my work experience is with small businesses. Within smaller environments I've been able to establish some wonderful work relationships with my colleagues, I've dabbled in a little bit of everything, and I've had my opinions and voice heard.

What I like about working for a small business is the entrepreneur feel. The equality I feel along side my boss and team, and the independent responsibilities that fall in my lap. I'm very capable and I appreciate a work environment that can delegate and utilize each team member efficiently.

What I'm best at: Being optimistic and having the inablity to give up or settle until I solve the problem or task at hand. There's always a way!

My strong points:
My ability to simplify, find solutions, resolve problems, create procedures, ensure efficiency, and complete tasks.

Describe Myself:
Creative, optimistic, a problem-solver, sometimes analytical, silly, sarcastic, responsible, profession, fun, and pleasant to have around.

Skill Set:
Trained Graphic Artist | Experienced Manager | Skilled Organizer | Customer Service | Strong Admistration Skills | Tech Savvy | Indivual/Team Worker | Content Management