Julie Stokes

North Texas

What's Your Beach Dream? Grew up with the most amazing family in a small farm community in IOWA. The Corn fields are where I learned my work ethic and the true value of a dollar. We didn’t have an NFL or NBA or MLB but we had Iowa Hawkeye basketball on Thursday nights and enough college football on the weekends to get our fix. We played in the snow and we camped under the stars. We changed our own oil, rode mopeds without helmets and would mess with the carbarator to see how fast we could get them to go on a gravel road. It’s amazing what you can do with a screw driver and some WD40. I grew up knowing I was “Special” because I was chosen by my parents and I believed it every day – and I still do. My baby bro and I were adopted and the whole world new it. I love animals, sports, family, the outdoors, singing, music and the smell of a morning on a spring day. I have learned that it’s about the journey . . . not the destination and each day I try and WIN THE DAY, LIVE STRONG and go to 212º. www.julieastokes.com

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