Jules (JP) Monza

UX Design Strategist in Denver, Colorado

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I believe any systemic challenge can be reframed and redesigned as a collective opportunity. My name is Jules. I am a designer, researcher, strategist, and facilitator with 9 years experience in human-centered design and 2.5 years in SaaS. I thrive when connecting the dots between people, ideas, and thoughtful action. As a designer, I believe face-to-face interactions are just as significant and powerful as those mediated by digital platforms. As a researcher, I work to ensure business success by ensuring every team—both product-facing and customer-facing—deeply understands users and their real world. As a leader, I foster shared vision, effective collaboration, and focused professional development in cross-functional teams. As a facilitator, I work in, with, and for teams to create valuable and viable product-service ecosystems that add meaning to customers' lives and provide business value for all stakeholders involved. I am currently looking to join a smart, motivated team working on meaningful software products that improve people's day-to-day lives as well as the bottom line of the business.

  • Education
    • M.Des, CMU School of Design
    • BFA, Multimedia, The University of the Arts