Justin Alan Ryan
SF Bay Area, CA, USA
I am never absent, I am everywhere and always.
Goofy Nerd / Angry Voter with 20 years of professional experience as a systems / network / software engineer.
Worked for Apple, OneLogin, Gap, ngmoco:) / DeNA, Wikia, TurboLinux, TeamLinux, Rackspace, Oracle/Sun Microsystems, and the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Started my first business at 14.
Open-Source Contributor
Pivotally involved in the success of a top-5 Pythonology Success Story, published in a pamphlet promoting Python alongside NASA, Google, Industrial Light & Magic, and the National Institute of Science and Technology, distributed at the First Annual O'Reilly Open-Source Convention.
dogecoin: D7rxvafgm3xQ