Mr.Kabue James.

Writer, Artist, and Web Developer in Nairobi, Kenya

Read my blog

I'm an aspiring creative director and producer who loves all things film, theater and expressive writing. I was born for the arts, both visual and the performing arts. I've acted in a number of stage plays including Lionel Bart's Oliver twist at Braeburn Theatre and I also wrote and directed my play entitled, Princess Jeridah at Jomo Kenyatta University. I'm also pursuing my love for film and I'm highly interested in acquainting myself with the dynamics of film production.

I also greatly value other people and their life interests. That’s why I decided to document other people’s lives, particularly highlighting on their hopes and dreams through interviews and features published on my blog, This is the main reason why my tag line is Loving life and Celebrating people. I love life because it’s a gift from God. I didn’t do anything to earn it, neither did I deserve having it. Out of God’s own will, He decided that I should be a living entity to enjoy life and His creation. I consider this a great privilege. So the best I could do with life is to enjoy it, regardless of the innumerable challenges that comes along with it. Furthermore, Jesus said that He came to give us life and have it more abundantly.

People are fashioned and created in God’s own image. They express God’s creative genius. That’s why I celebrate them. Like the story teller I am, not only do I love narrating my own experiences in life, I love sharing other people’s experiences as well. So enjoy all the interviews and features already posted on the blog and those which are to be published in the future.

I love connecting with people all over the world and I consider Nairobi-Kenya the place to be. I'm #ProudlyKenyan. Cheers!

  • Work
    • Corporate Blogger & Social Media Manager
  • Education
    • Bsc. Actuarial Science
    • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology