Andrey Karpov
Andrey Karpov is candidate of science (philosophy doctor) in the field of mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of the programs (specialty 05.13.18). He graduated from Tula State University, Faculty of Cybernetics. Andrey Karpov defended his thesis in the Institute of Mathematical Modelling under Russian Academy of Sciences. The theme of his thesis is "Data Processing in Parallel Computer Complexes". For about 5 years he worked as a developer in Scientific Centre "GDT Software Group" ( His main occupation was organization of work in the sphere of scientific visualization system development (ScientificVR), development of parallel cross-platform applications in the field of computational modeling. For about 2 years Andrey Karpov has been a part-time junior research associate at the Amalgamated Institute of High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences (AIHT RAS). Andrey Karpov is expertin C++ language andin methodology of source program code static analysis. In 2006 together with Evgeniy Ryzhkov he developed Viva64 code analyzer. Later it has become the key product of the company. In 2008 Andrey Karpov and Evgeniy Ryzhkov founded Program Verification Systems company ( The main activity of the company is development and selling of developers' tools in the field of code analysis. Andrey Karpov is the author and co-author of dozens of published works and registration certificates of programs. The main themes of these works are: data visualization in gas dynamics, development of 64-bit and parallel program systems, source code analysis technology. He takes active part in conferences devoted to these themes.
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