Katherine Beaman

Ohai. So... you've decided to stalk me? I'm flattered. Really. I've probably stalked you as well. So, it's like a mutual love.

Ermmm. I expect you want to learn things about me? I'm really not all that interesting. I make videos. I blog sometimes, mostly just essays on ethics and morality. I'm a bit of a freelance photographer. I have a strange passion for the subatomic world and its reactions. Oh, and I'm also kinda obsessed with Korean boy bands.

Go ahead, click on stuff. It won't hurt you. Just go for it.

Oh, don't forget to be awesome.


"If we didn't have stupid thoughts, we'd have no interesting thoughts at all."
-Diesel "Be Stupid" Ad Campaign


"Emily: Do any human beings ever realise life while they live it?--every, every minute?

Stage Manager: No. The saints and poets, maybe--they do some."
-Thornton Wilder, Our Town