Kathryn Marquis

London Ontario

"I'm the child of a military father and a musical mother; what a combination! I love my calling - I get to pastor worship teams, travel internationally as an itinerant leading worship, touch heaven, teach, train, equip and release "little Davids", record albums and play with the best band on the planet. And, best of all, I get to encounter my beloved Jesus, over and over."

Credited with a truly unique sound, and satisfied with nothing less than true encounter in worship, Kathryn carries and releases an anointing for intimacy and the sounds of heaven.
In person, she is both genuine and professional, accessible and warm, delighted to take the time to get to know you over (good) coffee, and swap the stories that make Jesus famous. Find out more at www.kathrynmarquis.com

  • Work
    • Worship Leader