Kelly Wahlquist


I am the Assistant Director of the Evangelization

and Development Office forParish Evangelization

for the Association of Marian Helpers in

Stockbridge,Massachusetts, where I manage and

advisefor the Hearts Afire Parish-based

Programs forthe New Evangelization. This bold,

vibrant approachis designed to help people live the

completeCatholic life of Faith, Hope, and Christian

Charityin the Sacraments through parish-based

small groupfaith renewal programs.

I am blessed to travel the country and talk

on my passion, living the New Evangelization. I

speak atdiocesan women's conferences and parish

retreats ingnitinga passion for spreading the Gospel.

In my spare time, I am acontributing writer for

TheIntegrated Catholic Life,, and

NewEvangelizaers.comwhere I share myvocation as

aCatholic wifeandmother throughmy writing.

  • Education
    • St. Mary's University
    • College of St. Catherine