Ken Kunz

Mananagment in Round Rock, Texas

Creative Manager Machine.

Creating positive reactions and an awesome culture. Throw in marketing and promotions to complete the mix.

I was always one of those curious kids who got into everything, peeked behind every door. Loved to create and design things and always asked “why” even when questions were answered. I came from a family of artists, creators and leaders.

Today…. I am always climbing not just for success but also for happiness. I am passionate on everything I do and still love to create, learn and explore with a huge amount of curiosity.

I have great experiences in life with many stories to tell. I don't believe my mistakes as failures but a new lesson to be learned. With those experiences and lessons have made me a stronger person and leader.

Have a strong background in management, promotions and marketing and a flair for engagement with the customers. Coach, teach and develop others for better performance and create a stronger team.

…. and am just one heck of a guy.

“I don't want to be the boss I want to be the one that leads”

"Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you."