Ken Xu

Venture Capitalist and Startup Mentor in 上海市, 中国

Ken Xu

Venture Capitalist and Startup Mentor in 上海市, 中国

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Born and raised in Shanghai, Ken joined Gobi Partners in 2003 and focuses on wireless and broadband applications, e-learning, and the digital TV sector within the digital media value chain. Ken helped Gobi invest into a leading Beijing-based LBS player in 2004. In November 2003, Ken was invited to be a speaker at the “IT Spring” conference held by IBM in Guangzhou. Ken has experience in multiple industries including IT, financial services, real estate, and construction. Previously he worked as an Investment Representative for Shanghai Golden Point Investment Corporation where he was responsible for personal finance management and investment consulting services. He also completed internships at China Quest, a leading geographical information systems (GIS) company, and Shanghai Second Construction Corporation. Ken was awarded scholarships for both his undergraduate and graduate education. He holds a B.S. in Management Engineering from Tongji University in Shanghai and an M.S. in Economics and Finance from the University of York in the United Kingdom.

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