The M House

I started blogging in 2010 when I was lost my baby girl to severe preeclampsia. Since then, I’ve met so many wonderful women because of this “so-called” baby loss club. While I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, I’m thankful for the friendships that helped carry me through my grief.

On a happier note, I am now a proud adoptive mama. You’ll find me talking a lot about my sweet little Z and adoption. She is my (our) world. Oh, did I mention I’m married to a mad scientist? He teaches chemistry and physics and no, his name is not Walter White. In fact, I’ve only seen two episodes of Breaking Bad. Imagine that.

Anyway, I live in a small university town in the foothills of Kentucky. I have a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in adult and higher education. I bleed blue (not bluegrass, but Wildcat blue). I’m a wannabe extrovert and do-it-your-selfer. I am one of five girls…(my poor dad).

I love to read, watch Lifetime movies, and gossip with my sisters. I don’t have a favorite tv show, but I prefer anything entertaining that doesn’t make me think. After years of British literature, I prefer watching Channing Tatum shake that cute little behind of his. Wouldn’t you agree? I thought so.