Kira Grunenberg

Writer, Editor, and Publicist in New York

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Music lover in all forms: Journalist, Player, Listener

NYU - Performing Arts Administration | College of Saint Rose - Music Industry

I love talking to others and gaining insight as much as giving it. To me, it's important to never let one's views or interests become stagnant. This is what I strive to avoid everyday. I got into writing mostly because I realized it's something that I'm not only interested in but something that I've had a fixation for throughout my entire education. (Papers=fun!)

All the same, that doesn't mean I don't know how to relax, have a good time and embrace new hobbies. Strike up a chat with me sometime and you'll see just how little labels and initial perceptions alone, truly illuminate a person. ...That and new friends and/or collaborators are always a plus in my book.

Then, if my quirks and slightly rebellious attitude toward established industry expectations intrigue you, that means we're getting somewhere.