Kitania Kavey

Writer in The Netherlands

Read my book

I am always a contradiction.

I'm an able disabled person.

Fearfully unafraid.

A positive pessimist.

A timid adventurer.

A successful screw-up.

Boisterously calm.

The nicest mean person ever.

And simply an extraordinarily ordinary woman.


I am the richest poor person, and super grateful for the smallest things, that really are the biggest; food, shelter, water, electricity...

I am a writer. I am disabled. I am a woman. I am a pathfinder.

If the odds are 99 to 1, be the one. Nothing is impossible.


Since I never finished high school and have a brain injury, I decided that it would be most challenging to become a writer. I do well with screenplays. I love it. I feel passionate about screenwriting, and it provides me a sense of purpose. In 2019 I co-authored a book with my mom, a reverse-adaptation of one of my screenplays.

Unaccompanied Minor - One man's journey from bystander to anti-child trafficking activist.

Paperback and ebook available at fine Internet retailers everywhere.

  • Work
    • Writer
  • Education
    • The School of Life