Klederson Bueno
Software Engineer, Public Speaker, and Director in Berlin, Germany
Kléderson Bueno is the creator, idealizator, and mantainer of PhpBURN Framework. Specialized in Customized Complex System Develoment, idealizator of ALEAC.net news network, a 47 integrated sites complex that brings real time news from all cities in Acre State in a pioneer project in Brazil in a great OpenSource case.
Has work in Brazil and outside, been responsable for the migration of the hole CRM from Privalia Multinacional fom Spain to Brazil. An SCRUM enthusiast who belives that without a good team work there's no good project.
Worked in more than 200 projects of most various types including Cargo Tracking System for DHL and WalMart using SOA and Google APIs and MapLink, Callcenter Systems, SAP PI/XI Integration and various other segments.
PHP Evangelist, great enthusiast of techonology and NERD.
Loves chalenges and has the speech:
"Learn Always, Develop with Expertise and Creat Art"