Konrad Kafarski

Konrad Kafarski recognizes that a common trait of successful and prosperous people is that they are driven to succeed. This means they have a resolve deep inside themselves that will not take “no” for an answer and that will not quit. Konrad Kafarski says that a person with that sort of drive or vision is characterized by confidence. Even if such an individual struggles with self-confidence from time to time, they continue to believe in their vision. Konrad Kafarski explains that even through tough times, successful people are motivated by their drive. Low self-esteem is an invisible and powerful enemy of success. Konrad Kafarski urges entrepreneurs to believe in themselves if they want to be successful in the world of business. Konrad Kafarski adds that an entrepreneur must find the will to believe that he or she deserves the things that they dream about. Some individuals think that low self-esteem is a characteristic of the lower socio-economic end of the spectrum, the poor or uneducated. Konrad Kafarski disagrees, saying that people from any walk of life can suffer from a situational or more general lack of confidence.