Kosovo Young Lawyers

Kosova Young Lawyers - KYL Web: www.kyl-kos.org Email: [email protected] Adresa: Dëshmoret e Kombit, 58/6, Prishtinë, 10000, KosovaCompany OverviewKOSOVA YOUNG LAWYERS (KYL) is a non-profit organization, founded on August 27, 2006 with an initiative of young lawyers of Kosova. It aims, inter alia, at promoting co-operation with different Young Lawyers and Law Students organizations, disseminating knowledge and information to young and prospective lawyers on the principles and purposes of international organizations and EU institutions, and on foreign legal systems.

KYL has been an active participant in the field of rule of law reform and promotion in Kosovo through its involvement in a variety of activities. The organization's most significant contribution is its participation in working groups for legislative drafting, especially in those laws foreseen or required by Ahtisaari Plan (e.g. Draft Law on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Immunities of Foreign Staff and International Organizations).

KYL was also part of the Working Group on Drafting a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Kosovo and Civil Society.