Kristen Waters, SEP

Somatic Practitioner in Durham, NC

Schedule an appointment

Somatics is practice of a present moment processing that invites curiosity to connect our mind with our body. I am available for online embodiment sessions. I also offer touch sessions in Durham, NC at Practice Space.

Somatic sessions are 50-minutes at a sliding scale of $40 - $120. If you are able to afford the higher end of the scale, please do so in order that sessions continue to be accessible for those who cannot. Please be in touch if cost is still prohibitive.

As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, I offer support for your relationship to yourself, which can look like grounding and settling practices, regulation skills, boundary work, and supportive touch. I also offer support in the renegotiation of trauma, working with the nervous system and inviting curiosity to the language of the body, which speaks with sensations, images and gestures.

Including the body in the understanding of myself has deeply impacted my life in generative ways, which is why the accessibility of these skills is important to me.

Email me with any questions at [email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you.

My Cashapp is $swellswell and Venmo is @swellswell.