Laura Joan.

Charlotte, North Carolina

Hi guys, I'm Laura. By day, I'm the Director of Brand Strategy and Social Media Manager for a growing (and awesome) education // tech startup, Tech Talent South. By night, my hobby is sharing bits of my life and writing about my personal journey in the ever-evolving realm of trying to find health, wellness, and beauty in all aesthetics. The Pure and Pink Elephant is my findings.

The Pure and Pink Elephant was was first created because of my slight obsession with Indian Culture and the direct (ironic) symbolism I see between Ganesha, the Hindu Elephant Deity, and being today's 'pure and pink elephant in the room'. His whole existence kind of collided with the idea for my whimsically 'Lifestylist' (I coin that, definitely just kidding) blog. He represents always being on the hunt for a greater truth, ridding a certain selfishness, vanity, and pride- while finding beauty in the most unlikely of places, and simply learning to be humble in a crazy world. Anyway, I think that is pretty wonderful in about 101 ways.

I find knowledge, beauty, and contentment in an array of different aesthetics. So, in that case, everything becomes wonderfully relevant and fair game. It's kind of all over the place when you're trying to find what makes life magical...what makes life 'beautiful'. We're all seeking this in some way or another. So I think my blog is about being in a place where reality and Wonderland, can kind of coexist and find a home together.

  • Work
    • Freelance Writer, Blogger, Social Media Specialist
  • Education
    • Pace University, University of North Carolina Charlotte