Lawrence black

I've always found self-written bios to be a bit awkward and quite frankly too immodest for my tastes.

As Mad Men's Donald Draper once quipped to an Ad Age reporter: "I'm from the Midwest. We're taught it's impolite to talk about yourself."

As humble as I like to think of myself, (ya right, I'm from California) : ) I'm always willing to extol my passions to the right people.

Those passions include: startups, marketing, advertising, M&A, The Singularity & future sciences, health & fitness, nutrition & supplementation, life extension, personal growth & philosophy, living life by design, writing, automotive, and the sea.

I am also passionate about the serendipitous nature of life; the right interactions, people, messages, signs and lessons always have a way of finding you if you are looking for them.