Lea Shappee

A member of the American Dietetic Association, Lea Shappee also serves on the Executive Committee for Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM) Dietetic Practice Group. With nearly 30 years of related education and business experience, Lea Shappee is a leader in the field of dietetics. Lea Shappee earned her undergraduate degree in medical nutrition therapy and food science from The University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She then pursued and completed a Master of Business Administration at the University of Tampa. Most of her professional experience is in business sales, having worked with medical doctors on the development and marketing of a variety of products. In 25 years of sales and marketing management, Lea Shappee’s performance continuously exceeded expectations and she was responsible for launching more than a dozen new products. The products she has worked with include nutritional supplements, infant formulas, sun care, feminine hygiene commodities, and soft gel products. With advanced communication skills, Lea Shappee has been called upon to deliver many public presentations and host multiple community events. For instance, Lea Shappee organized the 75th Anniversary Celebration and the Women's Health Symposium for Tampa General Hospital in South Florida. She also has experience in teaching at Pensacola State College where she taught nutrition courses to nursing students. Now as Sponsorship Chair for DIFM, Lea Shappee works to coordinate sponsorships for the organization’s events and public outreach. Lea Shappee is also responsible for announcing the sponsors and publicly identifying their contributions. Lea Shappee is also a member of Nutrition Entrepreneurs, Sports Nutrition Weight Management, and various national, state, and regional dietetic associations. Additionally, Lea Shappee is a Food Sensitivity Specialist with advanced training as a LEAP Therapist and currently uses the ALCAT Food and Chemical Sensitivity test in her private practice.