Leigh Washington

Client Relationship Manager in Marysville, WA

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Congratulations, you've either deliberately or inadvertently stumbled upon my about.me page. I'm going to restate the obvious here, but I'm Leigh. While the more common pronunciation of my name is "Lee", Mom decided on the less obvious but still perfectly acceptable "Lay". Think sleigh (as in Santa's) without the "s". It really is the gift that keeps on giving.

So, about me... I was born and spent the better part of my life living in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. I happen to be married to my high school sweetheart and we have twins, one boy and one girl!

When we left Arizona in 2014, we spent 2 and a half years living in San Antonio Texas, home of the Alamo, and the biggest little big town there ever was. We made the move to Washington State in 2017 literally seeking greener pastures and it did not disappoint. Living in Washington is EVERYTHING! There’s so much to do and see here and it’s not uncommon for me and the fam to get into the car to visit some new place we heard or read about.

Career-wise, I’ve worked in client facing service or operational roles for Investment Management firms. This career path has treated me well and I’ve experienced tremendous professional growth and opportunity. 2008 was rough for my industry however, so I made the decision to go back to school in 2009. Right around the time my wife became pregnant with the twins (my timing is impeccable:). I finally graduated and earned my undergraduate from Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in December 2016.

So I’m in this cool place in life now where I have a great family, live in a place I love, and work in a field that continues to meet the needs of my family. Pretty blessed by all accounts.

There’s more of course but those are the highlights. Now that you know a little “about me”, how about you?

  • Work
    • Registered Investment Advisor
  • Education
    • Rio Salado College
    • Arizona State University
    • College for Financial Planning