Leslie Black

Bangor, CA

I have 2 distinct and different sides to my personality. I am not psychotic, these aren't split from each other but intertwined in such a way that it makes it hard to describe myself. Am I nice? Am I not so nice? Youtube link below

The Dark Side:

I am always right. If at anytime you disagree with me please refer back to this statement
I must be in control at all times. I drive, I choose, I say, It's my way or the highway
I have definite ideas of wrong and right. I have a book. Once you are in it you can't get out
I'm a know it all. If I don't know the answer I will find it and it will be right
Stubborn, very, very stubborn, Tenacious is a nice way to say stubborn
Independent, to a fault. Won't ask for help even when desperately need it

I was quite a handful in my twenties, beat 5 guys to win a Karate Tournament (1 at a time) and I was a white belt! No skill required just plain kicking the crap out of each other

"What the hell" you say

The Bright Side:

I met a man who I love with everything that is in me. He loves me so I can't be all bad right? I was a surrogate mom 3 times for families that couldn't bare children. I work with behaviorally challenged and expelled kids. I am happy with who I am

I am excellent at my job. I have learned a ton about myself through my hard headed kids. My son is Bi-Polar. Raising him was the hardest thing I have ever done. He taught me empathy and how to see the person not just their behavior. I learned to pick my battles and to wait for the right time. These skills have served me well

LIFE'S SHORT HAVE FUN is one of my two mottos. I live by it.
I am friendly, outgoing and nice to everyone I am the crazy bus lady to 1/2 the people in town
I can find humor in any situation. I tease people I've never met daily now we've met!
I laugh at myself on a regular basis. You can laugh too it's OK
I'm intelligent, it's taken time, but I now realize others are too.
When I'm wrong I admit it. Totally an oxymoron
I have learned tolerance. Whiny people still drive me nuts!

My second motto? GIRL STUFF SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A tractor and a weed whacker are my tools of choice. Boy was I mad one year when I wanted a baseball glove and some dumb ninny gave me a doll. Dolls are for target practice. I still climb trees

  • Work
    • Pittsburg Unified School District
  • Education
    • Liberty Union High School 1979