Lev Vortman

free artist in Индонезия

Lev Vortman

free artist in Индонезия

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Photographer - alchemist.

Macro - expressionism.

I am here, between this shapes and colors. I remember this surrealistic forms and scapes like once they were my habitat. I shrink to the size of a molecule and travel through this fabulous, edgeless kaleidoscope. Metamorphosing shapes beget the orgy of reflexes. Is it a representation of an abandoned domain of my visual memory, or maybe these are my feelings prisoned in side me, finally found the way to brake through beating alexythimia. Better to stop this efforts of rationalizing my visual perception and enjoy this extravaganza in its impressionistic action. But wait it's me standing behind my camera, manipulating the substance and filters, in the real world. Obviously that it is enough experiments for now. Wonder where my dreams will lead me.

inspired by Kazimir Malevich's essay.