Latise M. Howie

Charlotte NC

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” ~ Albert Pike Latise M. Howie was raised in a family that truly practices the "Each One, Reach One" motto. Worldwide philanthropic work is her passion as well as helping children reach their full potential. Latise owns and operates a summer enrichment program called Metamorphosis Learning Center. MLC is designed around the Kinesthetic Learning Model. Latise and her staff believe that every child can learn. MLC specializes in finding a child's strengths and teaching in a hands on approach to that particular strength. Metamorphosis boasts a 100% pass rate of those children who were in jeapordy of failing at the beginning of each summer session. They enroll, they have fun learning, and then they pass! Metamorphosis believes that we can truly transform our world, one mind AND one child at a time! Latise wears many hats! She is the mother of three amazing children; Toni, Beverly and Yusef. They motivate and inspire her daily. She is also an Entrepreneur, Author, and Motivational Speaker. Most importantly, She is a Woman of God! A word from Latise: Yes, we are our brother's keeper. We can give what we have, to impact who we can. Giving is not limited to finances...time, talent, wisdom, knowledge, or even encouragement can be more valuable to those YOU are intended to effect...Peace and Blessing Latise

  • Work
    • Landmark Apartment Trust
  • Education
    • North Carolina Central University