Linda Raftree
Brooklyn, New York, United States
I’ve worked at the intersection of community development, participatory media, rights-based approaches and new information and communication technologies (ICTs) for 20 years, starting in El Salvador where I spent the 1990s. I’m an anthropologist by degree and a participant observer by nature.
Areas of interest and focus:
- girls and mobile
- technology in impact assessment and to conduct M&E
- ethics and privacy in technology for aid and development
- youth- and community-led development processes
- stereotyping in fundraising and media narratives
- new technologies in M&E; M&E on programs involving ICTs
- child and youth migration
- openness, transparency and accountability, participatory governance
- disruption of the aid and development industry
- satire as commentary on the absurd
I currently work as an external advisor to various organizations on technology and development programming. I also run Technology Salons in New York City. At the moment, I'm working to advise Girl Effect Mobile on strategy, data security, privacy and protection; Rockefeller Foundation’s Evaluation Office on technology for M&E; SIMLab on M&E of technology-based programs; and supporting NYU's Center on International Cooperation with their communications strategy.
I’m a co-founder of Regarding Humanity, which advocates for respectful, effective, collaborative, and engaging storytelling in aid and development. Via Regarding Humanity I work with documentary filmmakers on social impact work. I recently developed as commentary on techno-utopianism and privilege.
More detail at LinkedIn.